What will you find at Harbor View? You will find men and women and children gathering each week to worship our Lord. You will witness adults getting together to study scripture and struggle to understand what it means to be a Christian in today's world. You will hear the sound of boys and girls running and playing and laughing and learning. You will see brothers and sisters giving assistance at a homeless shelter, painting a dilapadated home, distributing gift baskets at Thanksgiving, working to rebuild other churches destroyed by arson. You will listen to words of concern and care and comfort pass from one member to another. You will hear prayers for the hurting and the grieving. Your will see God's people singing anthems and playing handbells. And there's so much more!
What will you find at Harbor View? Quite simply, you will find a people brought together by the Holy Spirit, a congregation seeking to be faithful to the God who claims, loves and renews us in Jesus Christ.
We are glad that you have visited us, and we hope that one day our paths will cross!