Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim(KKBE) is more than just a house of worship. We are a vibrant, inclusive and caring congregational family. KKBE is committed to providing opportunities for practicing Reform Judaism in an atmosphere of serenity, warmth, mutual acceptance and historical significance. Founded in 1749 as a Sephardic Orthodox congregation, in 1841, Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim--also known as KKBE--was firmly committed to the path of religious ReformJudaism. Our sanctuary is the second oldest synagogue building in the United States and the oldest in continuous use. We invite you to experience for yourself KKBEs rich past and vibrant present.
Make Reservations for the Francis Salvador Award Dinner - January 5, 2011Please Reserve this Date for KKBE's fundraiser honoring the Pearlstine Family.
Some Upcoming Programs and Events...
Makereservations for these and other KKBE events...For more info, call Brenda at 723-1090.see more events and details
November 29: LifeLong Learning presents Picture from a Life, 7:00 p.m.Join us in the Barbara Pearlstine Social Hall as Warren Lieb, professional photographer and KKBE member presents an evening of photographs and commentary from his lifetime oftravel andadventure. Inspiring photos, fascinating stories and the life lessons behind them. Refreshments will be served.
December 3: Chanukah Congregational Dinner at 5:45 p.m. and Shabbat Service at 7:00 p.m.
RSVP to bbraye@kkbe.org by November 30 for the dinner only. A-L bring side or salad. M-Z bring dessert. CHARLEY will provide Latkes! Babysitting available 15 minutes prior to start of service.
December 17: Volunteer Shabbat at 8:00 p.m.We'll salute all of the wonderful volunteers who live out our mission at KKBE.
December 18: KKBE Koffee House, a Tri-Congregational Event
Join us in the Barbara Pearlstine Social Hall for coffee, sweets, and entertainment treats! $5/pp at the door. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Entertainment welcome from all three congregations from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.Contact robinshuler@mac.com if you would like to share your talent . Planned entertainment will be interspersed with Open Micnight.Tri-Congregational events are designed to strengthen bonds in our Jewish Community by giving us new opportunities to enjoy each others' company and to visit all three synagogues (BSBI, Synagogue Emanu-El and KKBE).