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When I rolled into the subdivision I live in today there were two concrete barriers blocking off the next neighborhood from ours. Actually, it blocks them from getting to their mail boxes, which we share. A policeman was parked in front of the concrete separators fielding questions. This has been a long feud between our home owner's association and theirs. Seems they owe ours money on the upkeep of the roads that they use, and are refusing to pay them. It's all complicated and if you ask me, childish.
But it's a great metaphor, huh? We do that, erect barriers, don't we? People drive into our neighborhoods, enjoying the view only to be blocked before they can make it home. We wave, smile, greet each other at the mailbox, jog by one another, but as soon as it gets a little personal, and it costs us something, the concrete comes out.
Being a follower of Jesus isn't easy in a world...
We are a group of people who gather to learn about and experience what it means to follow Jesus.
Our hope is that in us you will find a place where you feel welcome, experience hope, are challenged, and ultimately changed by God's love.
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Get Real: Part 1 - Introduction to Colossians (Col. 1:1-8)Tim Holt on Oct 24, 2010 Listen
The Givers (2 Corinthians 8:5-7)Tim Holt on Oct 17, 2010 Listen
Transitions (1 John 2:12-14)Tim Holt on Oct 10, 2010 Listen
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