A Family Business serving South Carolina since 1966.
We are not a self-service, be-your-own-agent, click-&-charge-to-your credit card, "virtual" insurance company, and you don't have to call 1-800-SOMETHING and speak to a phone clerk in Fargo when you've got a problem (how convenient is that?). We're right here in Columbia---right where we've been since 1966---adding our services to the value of your policies. Our dedication to our long-term success means dedication to your success.....and this website is one tool we provide to make dealing with insurance at little easier for you. But we're always here, in person; an Independent Agent representing dozens of companies to provide our customers with the best in coverage, price, and service.
What makes us different? Well, we're not just a "family business" and we don't just "feel like family"---we actually are! Everyone you speak to here is part of the Sauls family. And no one is paid sales commissions, so our only interest is what's best for your business and your family.
We proudly represent dozens of insurance companies, including....