South Carolina Federal Crime Lawyer
When you are charged with a crime, you don't want a lawyer who practices in so many areas that he only knows a little about many different areas. Chris Wellborn is the only private practice attorney in Rock Hill whose practice is devoted 100 percent to criminal defense. That is the focused representation you need when your freedom and future are on the line.
At Christopher A. Wellborn, P.A., we vigorously represent the accused in York County, Lancaster County, Chester County and throughout South Carolina. Our criminal defense practice centers on representing people facing the full spectrum of charges from DUI arrests and drug charges to charges of rape, robbery or murder. Our clients include students of Winthrop University and people from other states charged with crimes in South Carolina.
We Understand What Is at Stake
Whatever criminal offense you are charged with, we will be there to put forward an aggressive defense. Our goal is dismissal of charges or a resolution that avoids jail, prison, license suspension and all the collateral consequences for your employment, education, finances and family life. When you feel the best outcome would come from taking your case before a judge or jury, Chris Wellborn is a lawyer fully prepared to take your case to court to fight against a conviction.
Mr. Wellborn is a former York County prosecutor who has had a private criminal defense practice since 1990. He is capable of defending you against both state and federal charges. His years of experience in state and federal courts of South Carolina gives you a fighting chance to beat the charges or limit the penalties you face if convicted. Contact our Rock Hill office for a free initial consultation, including weekend appointments.
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