Your Ultimate Goal:
IT infrastructure delivered and maintained
risk free, on-time and on-budget anywhere.
Would you benefit from an experienced project manager
and the right staff?
Whether you need to install, upgrade, manage, relocate, monitor or maintain critical infrastructure resources our experts will assist you in selecting the services you need to achieve your goal. We can deploy our services as single or multiple events, managed projects or as staff augmentation. We provide services directly to IT organizations or through partners under their private label. We can deliver services to multiple-sites in multiple-nations. You can rely on our experienced professionals.
OSBT is the only provider of Edge to Enterprise
IT infrastructure services including:
Logistical Services; Data Center Relocation; Wireless Networking; Structured Cabling; Premise Security, and IT Services. With a deep understanding of legacy systems as well as the latest technologies, we can help you upgrade and optimize your infrastructure to meet your business needs.
Contact us today for a free consultation.
OneSource is now a Leviton Premier Network Installer.
"OneSource is proud to announce that the structu ..."
2010 - Making The Best Of It (IT)
"We are fast approaching the end of the year&n ..."
"Without question the past year has been a time of ..."