Dorchester Presbyterian Church 10290 Dorchester Road Summerville, SC
Rev. Dorothy Blackwelder, Associate Pastor
Sunday School for All Ages - 9:00 am
Sunday Worship Service - 10:15 am
Next Installed Pastor Called
After a two and a half year interim time of discernment and searching, the congregation of Dorchester Presbyterian Church heard the report of the Pastor Nominating Committee and unanimously voted to call the Reverend Jeffery Scott Kackley to be Dorchester's next pastor. This is a very exciting time in the life of our church! We can't wait to see what the future holds for us. Call the church office if you have any questions about this process (871-3572). You can read more about Jeff .
Humane Society Animal Ministry Guide Features DPC
Check us out on pages 9-14!
Thanks to all of the ladies who came to the 2009 Women's Retreat. We had a great time and hope that even more women can come this year, so mark your calendars now! You can view all of the pictures from 2009 at our photo page.
GENEROSITY ABOUNDS - Second Sunday Stewardship has been a huge success since in began in March of 2010. During worship the DPC congregation pour down the aisles to bring their gifts to the God's table - gifts of tithes and gifts of toilet paper, grits, clothes, books, school supplies, salad dressing, etc. Thank you all for offering yourselves and your resources for God and our community - the list of items for November 14 is below.
Fair Trade Coffee - We are now serving and selling Fair Trade Coffee through the Presbyterian Coffee Project. Through this program, we can help provide a fair wage and a life of dignity for coffee farmers around the world. 12oz bags of coffee in a variety of flavors are available in the church office for $7 each.
Good Search - Do you google or yahoo? Now there is a way you can search the internet and help raise money for the DPC youth group. Go here, and we will get a portion of the advertising revenue if you click on Dorchester Presbyterian Church as your charity of choice.
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World Council of Churches