To show Christ’s light in us through worship and prayer,
play and work, sharing and giving, that all may know Him.
That Christ’s light be seen in us.
You have probably received your letter of invitation and agenda for the Stewardship Commission's presentation. There will be two opportunities for us to gather and discuss “Advent’s New Beginnings.” The first will be held Sunday, November 14, 2010 at 10:15am in the Parish and Community Life Center. If you cannot attend this meeting, there will be another session on Monday, November 15 at 5:30pm. There will be an extended Christian Formation program for children through junior high school on Sunday morning and lunch will be provided following our gathering. Light snacks and babysitting services will be provided at the Monday meeting. We hope everyone will come to hear this important presentation. New Beginnings Parishioner Letter New Beginnings Agenda 11-14-15-2010
All Saints' Sunday November 7, 2010 7:45am Rite I 9:00am Rite II/Holy Baptism 10:15am Special Intergenerational Christian Formation Project
11:45am Rite II/Welcoming Liturgy (incense)
10:00am until 3:00p
Lunch served 11:00am to 1:30pm
Country Store -Lots of great gift items, baked goods, and holiday booths
Now available - Children’s Advent CalendarsSix different styles suitable for all ages!
Have you seen our Stained Glass Reproductions?
2. Sue Zoole's Icon of Christ the Holy Silence as an angel!
These are the first of a series to be re-created by Museum Masterworks!
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to share the beauty of our Church.
Now featuring Ten Thousand Villages!
Open Monday thru Friday 11:00am till 4:00pm
Sunday 8:30am till 11:00am
For Sale: Christmas Trees, Wreaths and Garland Christmas Tree/Wreath Form 2010.
The Centrality of Baptism
The Catechism (also called An Outline of the Faith) states the following about Holy Baptism:
Question: What is Holy Baptism?
Answer: Holy Baptism is the sacrament by which God adopts us as his children and makes us members of Christ's Body, the Church, and inheritors of the kingdom of God. 1 The Centrality of Baptism The Catechism (also called An Outline of the Faith) states the following about Holy Baptism:Question: What is Holy Baptism?
Answer: Holy Baptism is the sacrament by which God adopts us as his children and makes us members of Christ's Body, the Church, and inheritors of the kingdom of God. 1
The Episcopal Church of the Advent 2010-2011 Concert Series
November is a month of specials!November 7 is our intergenerational All Saints' Event. We will all be together to learn and play with four Episcopal saints. There are no adult seminars and Adventure Kingdom and the Youth Center are both closed for the day. When you enter the Parish and Community Life Center following the 9:00am service, you will be directed to one of four areas for learning and laughter. All you need to bring is your creativity and sense of humor.