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Five Forks Baptist Church
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Missionary In Outreach: We stress our Lord's command to preach the Gospel to every creature, both here at home and abroad on the foreign fields.
Address112 Batesville Rd Simpsonville, SC 29681-4815
Phone(864) 288-9455
Home . Activities . Calendar . Music . Photos Partners in Prayer . Awana . Sermons . Contact
Notices and Activities

Simply . . . Faith, Hope, Love and Grace
Five Forks Baptist Church is a body of growing Christians affirming Jesus Christ as Head,
the Holy Spirit as Guide, and the Holy Scripture as Authority.

A Bible Believing Church: Affiliated with the Greenville Baptist Association, the South Carolina Baptist Association, the South Carolina Baptist Convention, and the Southern Baptist Convention.

Sound In Doctrine: Affirming the truths of the faith once delivered to the saints. We stand by the Word of God and faithfully teach God's Word to His people.
Evangelistic In Thrust: We urge all people to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

Missionary In Outreach: We stress our Lord's command to preach the Gospel to every creature, both here at home and abroad on the foreign fields. Through our voluntary participation with other churches in the Southern Baptist Convention we help to support over 4,400 foreign missionaries serving in 126 countries, and almost 4,900 home missionaries serving in the United States

A fully graded Sunday School program for all ages with Bible centered teaching designed to set forth the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and also to provide God's people with a firm Biblical foundation for spiritual growth.

A Church Training program for all ages designed to equip God's people for service both within the local church and in the community.

A wonderful and dynamic music program for children and adults.

A complete pastoral care program, including hospital and shut-in visitation, Bible centered counseling, and a Deacon Family Ministry.

A complete missions program, with an active Woman's Missionary Union, Men's Brotherhood, Royal Ambassadors, Girls in Action, and Mission Friends.

AWANA (Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed) program for boys and girls, ages three through fifth grade.

A recreation program providing many opportunities for sports and fellowship.
Our Ministerial Staff.....

Minister of Youth and Education: Eric Summers For more information about the Youth at Five Forks, follow this link:

Five Forks Baptist Church has been blessed through the talented leadership of Gary Cox, our Interim Minister of Music.

We are currently seeking Gods Will in finding a full time Minister of Music and Outreach.

Qualified applicants are invited to submit a resume through the Church office.


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