For the glory of God, Heritage Bible Church is committed to equipping the saints and gathering disciples from all peoples to the end that they might grow up into Christ, worship God and enjoy Him forever.
Ladies, you are invited to the annual Christmas Brunch themed "Bearing Gifts...We Come on Saturday, December 4, at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Tickets are $8 and will be available in the North Lobby beginning Sunday, November 14.
Our annual Adult Retreat at The Wilds Christian Camp will be held November 12-14 this year. We look forward to having Dr. Doug Finkbeiner, seminary professor at Calvary Baptist Seminary in Lansdale, Pennsylvania, with us again as our speaker for the weekend. Make your plans to enjoy a time of spiritual enrichment as well as a relaxing time of fellowship with those in our church family. The cost for the entire weekend will range from $220-260 per couple or $110-195 per individual based on accommodations. Other options such as Saturday only or one night reservations will also be available. Registration for the retreat will begin Sunday, October 17.
Please note that Prayer Meeting will be held on Tuesday instead of Wednesday during Thanksgiving week. We trust this change will allow you to participate in this important service without conflicting with your Thanksgiving weekend plans.
In addition to reading the Bible in 2010, why not try listening to it as well? Many different options are available online.
Listener's Bible--Max McLean's recordings of either the ESV, KJV, or NIV available as CDs, MP3 CDs, or MP3 download.
Bible Gateway--a variety of versions can be listened to without charge
ESV Study Bible--audio versions available for those who own an ESV study Bible
ESV--Read and listen to the ESV Bible
Evening Worship, 5:30 p.m.
(Childcare provided for children ages five and under during all services. Children's Church offered for first through third graders during the morning worship service.)
Prayer Meeting, each Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.
Shepherding Groups, 1st & 3rd Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. (Please contact the church office for more information.)
A Heritage of Truth is a set of 120 questions, answers, and memory verses designed not only to assist parents in the theological education of their children, but also to instruct all members of our congregation in the ways and works of God so that they grow up into Christ, worship God and enjoy Him forever.