Children's expectations and beliefs toward the relative safety of riding bicycles at night
Machine Guarding The Second Alternative
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Our forensic experts are renaissance men and women who have done the work central to the issues of your matter, and can testify accordingly.
Learn about our forensic experts on this site. Their credentials speak for themselves.
We perform investigations for plaintiffs or defendants. Robson Forensic is not a referral service. Please call us so we can bring the experience of over 35,000 cases and claims to bear. You can expect responsiveness from everyone in our firm.
We welcome any opportunity to work with you.
I also invite you to speak with me personally.
Bartley J. Eckhardt, P.E. President/CEO
Specialized expertise in DePuy hip systems that goes beyond testifying.
Robson Forensic experts in biomechanical engineering and toxicology have developed and implemented a complete protocol for cases involving the DePuy ASR hip system. From the collection of preoperative tissue samples to collecting, analyzing and storing explant devices, the engineers and scientists at Robson Forensic can efficiently manage the scientific aspects of your device cases.
To read more:
To reach the experts involved in this case:
Jamie R. Williams, Ph.D. with Biomechanical
Mari S. Truman, P.E. with Biomechanical
Valentina Ngai, Ph.D. with Biomechanical
Michael J. McCabe, Jr., Ph.D. with Toxicology
Vocational rehabilitation experts at Robson Forensic evaluate the manifestations of acquired and congenital disabilities and how they impact the individual in the workplace. Our experts have extensive knowledge in all disability groups including orthopedic, neurological, traumatic head injury, developmental, learning, psychiatric, emotional, and speech/language, mental retardation and autism.
Dram Shop case results in $2.3 million settlement
Plaintiffs accepted $2.3 million as settlement in a case involving an off-duty police officer driving on the wrong side of the road who crashed into an oncoming vehicle. Three were killed and two were seriously injured. The off-duty officer was allegedly intoxicated at the time of the crash. Defendants were the officer and the restaurant that served the officer.
To view associated documents:
Settlement reached in fatal car crash
Elizabeth A. Trendowski with Dram Shop
Guardrail built too close to the roadway results in $9.75 million settlement.
The estate of a passenger killed when a limousine went out of control and hit a guardrail accepted $9.75 million as settlement. Defendants were the limousine company, the contractor that built the guardrail, the engineering company that inspected installation of the guardrail, and the engineering company that designed it. The suit alleges the guardrail was built too close to the roadway.
$4.6 Million for Fatal Accident
Passenger's Suit Settles for $2.25 Million
Lance E. Robson, P.E. with Highway / Roadway / Traffic
An Introduction to Electronic Stability Control
Presentation developed by Automotive Engineer, Peter J Leiss, provides an overview on Electronic Stability Control (ESC) systems, including information on how ESC systems work, their abilities and limitations.
To view the full version goto:
Electronic Stability Control Introduction