Over twenty five million people have learned quickly and easily to
enhance their social life through dancing the Arthur Murray way. Dancing
is the perfect ice breaker, a way to have fun that transcends even language.
Cruises, nightclubs, weddings, reunions, and parties are always more fun when you are dancing .
At any social event, the sight of a great dancer moving to a captivating beat is simply irresistible, and now you too can step into that light with confidence. Because at Arthur Murray Dance Studios, you can learn quickly and easily everything you need to know to feel at ease on the dance floor. Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot, ChaCha, Salsa, Swing, Hustle are just a few of the dances we teach.
Let uscateryour Social Event, Birthday, Party in our beautiful ballroom! Gift certificates available.
Ready to learn how to dance? Take two beginner 30 minute classes with our talented and professional dance instructors for only $30!