We are passionate about saving you tax dollars and solving your tax reporting problems.
Thank you for visiting me on the Internet. I hope that you will call me to schedule an appointment to come by and discuss your business and how we can help you with your tax and accounting issues.
Before coming to me many of my new clients told me that they were:
— Upset about paying estimated tax penalties every year because planning was not done to prevent them, or;
— Frustrated because they are not offered tax-saving strategies each year, or;
— Anxious about the letters coming from the government and not knowing what to do or how to answer those letters.
Let me help you, call us to set up an appointment with me to discuss your needs.
I serve individuals and businesses by advising them about ways to reduce their entire tax bill: income, payroll, and estate taxes.
I help individuals and business entities resolve their tax reporting problems with the Internal Revenue Service and State Departments of Revenue.