For over fifteen years, V-KOOL is the leading clear window coating that solves the visibility and appearance problems of conventional window tints and reflective films, while significantly reducing solar heat build up.
V-KOOL technology is based on rejecting heat at the window versus absorbing the heat like ceramics and other film technologies. When applied to glass, V-KOOL allows up to 77% of visible light to pass while eliminating over 96% of infrared and 99% of ultraviolet light.
Retrofit your existing windows or apply to your newly constructed windows. V-KOOL,Inc., the exclusive distributor in the western hemisphere, is the clear choice for your need to block the heat while allowing light to pass through.
In most cases, applying V-KOOL Window Films is at least half the cost of replacing your windows with high performance glass. Call us to find out how big your savings can be!