a national call to action
An unprecedented new effort sponsored by nearly 700 electric cooperatives across the country including Fairfield Electric Cooperative is the utility industrys first national energy efficiency campaign.
"Together We Save" is a consumer-focused energy efficiency campaign from Touchstone Energy Cooperatives built on the concept that small changes by thousands of electric cooperative consumers can make a big difference. The campaign is designed to help those consumers see the potential savings that can be gained from taking simple steps such as turning off lights, lowering window blinds or adjusting the temperature on a thermostat.
The centerpiece of this campaign is the Web site, TogetherWeSave.com. The Web site uses interactive tools, videos and other components with easy-to-follow energy-saving tips and techniques our members can apply in their homes and businesses. Its all about helping our members take more control of their energy costs.
For example, Fairfield Electric Cooperative members can get an idea of potential dollar savings by taking the sites virtual home tour. Within each of the interactive homes rooms family room, kitchen, laundry room, bedroom, basement and attic are at least two energy-saving action items. As visitors move through each room and complete the suggested actions, a digital counter keeps a running total of potential dollar savings, giving a visual representation of how simple changes rack up major savings.
The savings calculations from each individual visit to the Home Tour are funneled into another counter that continuously aggregates national potential savings. The running national total is displayed at the top of the TogetherWeSave.com landing page. Consumers are encouraged to take real action and watch the potential savings add up.
Unclaimed Capital Credits
The names on the attached list are accounts that have capital credit refund checks available to them. The owners of these checks received service from Fairfield Electric Cooperative during 1987 and 2001 and were issued a check which was returned by the Post Office as undeliverable or never cashed.
After a period of time, the cooperative is required to turn the unclaimed property over to the State of South Carolina. The unclaimed capital credits for those listed are scheduled to be turned over to the state as unclaimed property this year.
If you know any of the people listed, or their heirs, please ask them to contact our office during regular business hours, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, at (803) 754-0153 or (800) 628-0336 and ask for Baettie Douglas.
Do the Light Switch
Fairfield Electric Cooperative wants its members to save energy, save money and help save the planet. That’s why the cooperative has joined with the state’s other 19 electric cooperatives in a multi-year campaign to place 7 million energy efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) in the home of every cooperative member in the state.
Learn more about the program at www.DoTheLightSwitch.com
An Audit You'll Appreciate
We work hard to hold down energy prices. Now you can help control your energy use right at home. As a Touchstone Energy Cooperative we're offering a free online energy audit tool - Home Energy Saver. Easy questions provide a clear picture of where and how you use energy, every day and you'll get a list of ideas to help you save energy and money.
Are you using your Co-op Connections Card? SM
The Co-op Connections program, a new card-based member benefit program for Touchstone Energy cooperatives, is designed to deliver added value to cooperative members.
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