The Lawton Law Firm, L.L.C. is committed to providing first class representation in an honest, ethical and diligent manner. Our goal is to provide excellent service to our clients.
The firm represents people who have suffered serious injuries or economic harm from dangerous products, negligence, corporate misconduct, or medical malpractice. We also represent people in all family court matters, including divorce, custody issues, and adoption.
The attorneys in the Lawton Law Firm have been serving the people of South Carolina for over 25 years. In addition to our practice, we continually seek to give back to the community in pro bono activities, community service, and volunteer work.
Many of our cases are referred to us by previous clients, who know that we will provide quality service to their friends and family. We also receive many referrals from other attorneys who bring cases to us based on our experience, reputation, and record of achievement.
Please browse through our website and familiarize yourself with our lawyers and practice areas. Don't hesitate to contact us or call for a free consultation if you have any questions or feel like you have a case.
Headed by attorney Paul Hammack, with experience of over 19 years in the legal field, Hammack Law Firm works with clients towards personal injury disputes.