NATURAL GAS AUTHORITY The Chester County Natural Gas Authority was created on April 23, 1954 under Act 806 of the Acts and Joint Resolution of the State of South Carolina of 1954 and commenced the distribution of natural gas in 1957. The service area for the Authority is defined as being Chester County, Lockhart School District in Union County, and the Mitford and Blackstock area in Fairfield County.
A five member Board of Directors governs the Authority. Members of the Board are appointed by the Governor of South Carolina, two upon recommendation of the legislative delegation in the county, two upon recommendation from the City of Chester and one upon recommendation from the Town of Great Falls. Each director serves for a term of six years and can be reappointed. The Board of Directors is not active in the day-to-day management of the Gas Authority.
Branches and additional offices:
(803) 482-2442509 Chester Ave Great Falls, SC 29055-1207