R & R Sales Inc., is located in Pageland, SC. Check out our wide selection of good used vehicles including CARS, TRUCKS, AND SUV'S. Our prices are very competitive. We offer a variety of products and services for your vehicle. We have more than 15 years' experience in the automotive industry, which enables us to provide you with quality service and parts at competitive prices. Our business sells new and used parts for all makes and models.
Pre-Owned Car Sales:R & R Sales Inc., specializes in selling the SUV's and Trucks, but we have all types of vehicles on our lot, from 1995 to 2007. Our cars are sold as is, but we offer warranties on any of our vehicles. Each of our vehicles are inspected but feel free to take the car you're interested in to your own mechanic to have it looked over. Trade-ins and special requests are accepted, and financing is available. Stop in today for a test drive.
Be sure to check back often as we are always updating our PARTS CAR CATALOG. If you do not see what you are looking for, just give us a call.
We're Open:Monday-Friday
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Don't see what you are looking for? You may want to look at our Car Parts Catalog... We also have rebuildables available for repair or parts - Feel free to contact us.
New & Used Parts - Auto Sales - 24 Hour Towing & Recovery
R & R Sales Inc.902 East McGregor StreetPageland, SC 29728
(843) 672-3557rrsalesinc@shtc.net
Setting the Standard for Service.
We at Suddeth Automotive are committed to offering you, our customer, the highest professional automotive service and repairs available in the industry.