GET ORGANIZED was established in 2000, and we pride ourselves on providing customers with high-quality personal service. Our offices are conveniently located in Charlotte, NC and Columbia, SC.
Our business is to make your life easier! How do we assist you in doing this? We help you declutter your home or office spaces. In a world where we hang on to too much stuff, we help you identify what can stay and what can go. Providing good service means taking the time to listen. We will work with you every step of the way to make sure you receive the services you need. Our business is client-oriented, and we maintain strict confidentiality.
We hope you'll find the information you need on this site about our company and the products and services we provide. We look forward to working with you.
Before you set something down, ask yourself "is this where it belongs"? If not, take an extra minute to put it in its place.
Store off-season clothing inside suitcases if your space is limited.
"Mess? What mess? I don't see any mess!" Anything that stays around long enough becomes so familiar it disappears.