WELCOME To Palmetto Presbyterian Church (USA)
A 2010 Walton Award Winning New Church Development.....Chartered May, 2008
Join us for Sunday School (9:00)
At Palmetto Presbyterian you will find a COMMUNITY of real people who are more concerned about where you are going than where you have been. Our purpose is to ask the right questions, not provide easy answers. Here you will find unconditional ACCEPTANCE and acts of LOVE.
In the midst of asking tough questions we pull good news from the gospel. Our worship service is a JOYFUL and uplifting experience where the focus is not "what must I do to be saved", rather, what Christ has already done to save me. In true Presbyterian form, we start with God. Anything we DO is in response to God's GRACE.
Relevant, interactive worship in a traditional sacred space
Biblical preaching that embraces a gospel of grace
Modeling discipleship, recognizing that faith is a journey . . . we travel together and NO ONE has arrived!
Hands-on outreach to the local community and beyond
A nurturing community where your gifts and talents are not only appreciated but put to service
For information please call Mike Fitze at 843.884.1504
or email info@palmettopreschurch.org
Website designed by Brainstorm Web Design - Charleston, SC