Whether you need an optometrist for a routine eye exam, to find the right pair of contact lenses or eye glasses, or for more advanced eye care services, you want to know that the eye doctor you are seeing has the right experience, expertise, and "chair-side" manner to make you comfortable on your visit. With years of outstanding service in the community, our optometrist, Dr. Michael Morabito has a reputation for excellence.
From our eye clinic in James Island, our optometrist, Dr. Michael Morabito also provides optometry and eye examination services to Charleston, West Ashley and the surrounding areas.
Take a moment to review the wide range of optometry services we have available for you:
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Looking for an Optometrist in James Island?
Better vision has a direct impact on your quality of life. Only you can ensure that your eyes are in good health by taking time for regular vision check-ups. Our state of the art equipment and comprehensive eye exams are among the best you will find, designed to go far beyond simple prescription writing (although we do write and fill eye glass prescriptions!). Early detection and treatment of eye disease are critical for long term vision health.
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