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The mission of The Trident One Stop Career System (TOSCS) is to provide the highest quality workforce development services available to our customers.
To accomplish our mission, weve created and integrated an accountable workforce development system so job seekers can find good jobs and employers can find qualified workers. Ours is a region where the high quality of the workforce is a key asset in attracting and retaining business. Our workforce is supported by a development system that is market-driven and user-friendly. We provide employers with skilled workers through a collaboration of workforce development services offered by multiple partners in conveniently located one-stop career centers. Our services are provided through funding from the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) and the shared costs of our partners.
The Trident One Stop Career System (TOSCS) is comprised of one-stop centers in Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester counties. The TOSCS offers a variety of services to help employers and job seekers meet their workforce development needs. The TOSCS staff can assist any business, large or small, with their workforce development needs. We offer business and industry a powerful competitive advantage. Because we collaborate with partners in Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester counties, we can eliminate or reduce the costs associated with recruiting new employees, screening, placement activities, training new and existing employees and testing.
Youth (21 and under)
Palmetto Youth Connections Orientations are now held on Tuesdays at 1:00pm
The main aim is to provide a matching platform for skilled resources and resource seekers to discover each other by fully verified and detailed resume like profile. Removing the issues of mass listing